We leave on the cruise tomorrow, but today is the day that Amanda gets into town. She's been sending me a countdown every morning since we were about 50 days out and it hardly seems real that the day is here! We're at Mom and Dad's house and even Kurtis is here since it's his birthday. We're going to have hot ham sandwiches for lunch, then Kurtis and I are going to go to the airport to pick Amanda up (I should probably let him know he's coming with me) and then we're going to come back here to celebrate his birthday with homemade pizza and cake and ice cream. I'm so excited that we leave tomorrow - I need this vacation! I need to pack, though. Julianne is all packed but I still have loads of clothes in the dryer that need to make it into the suitcase. And I need to find my bathing suit - what's a cruise without a bathing suit?!?
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