Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Polly Wanna Cracker?

Julianne is a like a little parrot. Her new favorite phrases are "Good girl" and "Bad girl." She's been saying "Good girl" for a while, but didn't start the "Bad girl" stuff until recently. Nana was watching her and she did something naughty, so Nana said, "Bad girl!" and she's been parroting it ever since. It's cute, but I hate to hear her say it because I don't want her to think she's bad. She knows what it means, too - in the evenings when she starts to get ornery, she'll say, "Bad girl!" and then she'll do something like hit me or throw something. She is so smart!

She's also ALL toddler. Lately she's been getting into the habit of putting things on her head and running around. Last night Pete was over and she put her plastic Halloween bucket on her head and ran around laughing like crazy. Then tonight we were over at Nana and Pap-Pap's for dinner, and when I was cleaning up the kitchen she got into the tupperware cabinet and tried on a bunch of different plastic "hats." It was hysterical to watch - especially because she was so pleased with herself!

She ate like a horse at dinner tonight! We had pizza burgers with noodles on the side, so she had two helpings of noodles with sauce. And they weren't wimpy servings, either - they were hearty! After dinner, she had one of Nana's oranges for dessert. She's been eating a lot of oranges lately. She had them for breakfast the last two days, then had a banana, grapes and some mixed berry Yo Baby! yogurt for breakfast today. She currently has really bad diaper rash, so I'm wondering if maybe all the acid and sugar from the oranges isn't causing it. We have one more orange for breakfast tomorrow and then we're doen, so we'll see if the rash goes away. She really enjoyed the yogurt, so maybe we'll have some of that tomorrow morning!

I am SO excited for Christmas! Not for me, but for Julianne. I can't wait to see how she reacts when I help her open presents and when I show her how to get stuff out of bags and out of her stocking. I don't think we're going to put out cookies and milk for Santa this year - we may wait till next year. But I AM going to wait to put out her Santa presents till after she goes to bed tomorrow night! Uncle Tiger has to work on Christmas Day so after we get up, open presents and have dinner, he's heading back to Tampa and then Julianne's daddy is coming to pick her up for Christmas with his side of the family - she is a very lucky little girl to be having TWO Christmases with TWO families that LOVE her VERY much!


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