Today was my fourth trip to Celebrate Orlando, the big scrapbooking shindig that Mom and I go to every year. We look forward to it all year long, and this year was no exception. It was noticably quieter than years past. My CM consultant told me that there were 200 fewer people than in the past, so that's probably why it wasn't as crazy. It was nice, though. Mom won a packet of paper and some stickers, so that was nice that we finally won a door prize - after four years of showing up! This morning we dropped Julianne off at her Grammy's house and I was nervous - not because I thought Patty didn't know what she was doing, but because I didn't want to be away from Julianne that long. I missed her all day long - and it didn't help that I was looking at pictures of her all day, lol. I only called Patty twice, so I was proud of myself. And it turned out that Julianne had a great day anyway. But when I got there, she was so excited to see me!!! It was great. She was bouncing around and calling for me and just really excited. It was so nice to see her. I love that little girl so much... so friggin' much. Sometimes I feel like the love I have for her is going to suffocate me - that's how overpowering it is. My life is so perfect with Julianne... what did I ever do before she came along?!?
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