Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Only 63 hours left!

I only have 63 hours left of contact time with my students, and I AM SO FRIGGEN' excited! I cannot wait for summer. I won't have to work, I won't have to deal with kids who behave terrible, and I can spend all my time with Julianne! I am so excited to be able to spend the summer with her. I miss her so much during the days sometimes I don't think I can stand it.

In other news, it's been raining like crazy for the past three days. I saw the sun out this afternoon for about a minute and I was shocked - it has been so gross and rainy and nasty since Monday. The grass and other plants need it, but I think we're overfull. I think it's still supposed to rain tomorrow, too! But I'm pretty sure it's going to be gone by Memorial Day weekend, thank goodness. We're supposed to meet Mike and Brianne down at Disney for dinner on Saturday so it would be lovely if it was somewhat dry.

Tonight Julianne and I played on the floor after we got home from work and Target. It was fun... she crawled all over the place (including on me) and I took a bunch of pictures of her in her cute little dress that I bought at the consignment shop. I'll post them when I get a chance to upload them... so much to do!

Tomorrow I should hear about whether or not I got the condo. They had two offers and we had to go back in with our highest and best offer and tomorrow they'll tell us who won. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!