Friday, December 4, 2009

Holy RAIN, Batman!

I woke up this morning to RAIN outside... lots and lots and lots of RAIN.

I had to take the day off work to take care of all my car crap and it would have been nice to have decent weather for all the running around, but NO SUCH LUCK.

I talked to Pete last night and he said he would take me to the DMV to deal with the license issue, so I called him when I woke up. I could tell I had woken him up and I thought he was mad for having to leave the house, especially when it was so SHITTY outside. So I started crying but I didn't want him to know - I told him, "You know what, it's OKAY, don't WORRY about it, I'll figure SOMETHING out, talk to you later, bye." And we hung up.

So then I panicked a little bit. Who to call? What to do? Where to go? Lynx doesn't run here, and all of my friends had to work today (except for one, and for some reason it never even occured to me to call her!). So I called my mom, who was IRRITATED too, so I hung up. She called my dad and had him call me, and we arranged for him to take me to the County Clerk's office and the DMV.

He picked me up, we went to the post office, we went to the shop, then we went the the Clerk's Office. Thankfully I got everything taken care of and we didn't have to go to the DMV.

So we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch instead.  And Pete texted me and everything's FINE.

After lunch we went back to the shop and Mom and I took Julianne and went to the post office to ship some packages overseas and it was AWFUL... the weather was WET, I slipped on the wet FLOOR and hit my ELBOW, the people at the post office were RUDE, they wouldn't take three of the packages because the were in the WRONG box, and I slipped on the floor going back into the shop and hurt EVERYTHING.

After all that nonsense we had CHINESE for dinner... then Mom and Dad brought us home.

I didn’t hear from the insurance ADJUSTER today… so I need to call tomorrow to find out about getting my stupid CAR fixed. Ugh.


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