So just this morning I was thinking, "Wow... I could really use a car accident to add some drama to my life! I really want to go to the DMV, and call insurance companies, and go to the doctor because my neck hurts... Yeah, let's sign up for that!"
But I guess someone somewhere thought that's what I was thinking. Because that's what happened this afternoon. After I picked Julianne up from the sitter's I was driving home along Hiawassee like I normally do. As I got closer to Clarcona-Ocoee Road, I noticed there were cops all over the place blocking off the intersection but it wasn't clear why, so I just kept on trucking. I had just passed through the light when the guy in front of me stopped quickly. I stopped too and then was rear-ended, HARD. Julianne got scared and started crying, so I jumped out of the car to get her. The cops that were in the Hiawassee/Clarcona-Ocoee intersection came running over to check and see if we were okay. We seemed to be, so they had us pull to the side of the road and called Florida Highway Patrol. While we were waiting, I chatted with one of the officers and told him about Kurtis being a cop in Hillsborough County. He gave Julianne a little stuffed bear with Orange County Sheriff's Office embroidered on the front and told her to show it to her uncle and tell him she met a "REAL" deputy today, lol. It was very funny.
After a while the officers blocked off Hiawassee so that the other lady and I could drive our cars over to the Winn-Dixie parking lot to get off the road. The officers assured us that FHP was on the way and they left. An hour and a half later the officer showed up. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until the office asked me if I knew my license was suspended.
"I'm sorry... WHAT?"
She pulled up my records on her computer and showed me that somehow, some way, I received a ticket on July 24th (no I didn't) that was never paid (obviously, since I never got one) and because of the non-payment (that wasn't necessary since I never got a ticket) my license was suspended (LAME). So she took my license, and I had to call my parents to come pick me up since I wasn't allowed to drive (even more LAME). So I looked up everything on line and it says that my case (which never existed) was satisfied (their words, not mine - it said that in TWO places). So tomorrow, not only do I have to get my car to the adjuster so they can make an estimate on how much it's going to cost to get it fixed and make plans for THAT, I also have to spend the morning either on the phone or at the clerk's office or the DMV, trying to get my stupid license back (which never should have been taken away).
After she FINALLY got us all the proper paperwork, I wound up getting a ticket for unknowingly driving on a suspended license, and the other lady got a ticket for careless driving and for driving on a learner's permit with no passenger older than 21 in the car (she was about 45 years old - still on a learner's permit?)
About Me
- Konnie
- Well, I'm a mom first and foremost. Then I suppose I'm a teacher. I recycle religiously (and you should too) and I love animals. Oh, and I love the water too. And arm chairs. Did I mention I'm really tall? I sometimes forget that.
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Thursday, December 3, 2009
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