Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I had a date!

So, I had a date last night . . . and it went SOOO well!

We've been talking for about a week now - first through e-mail, then through texting, then on the phone. It was very reminiscent of the last guy I was talking to (the one that cancelled on me at the last second) so I was kinda nervous, but I had a pretty good feeling about him. Saturday night we were on the phone for 2 1/2 hours, and we were never at a loss for conversation, which was really nice!

Anyway, last night I met him at his apartment (which I know I should never do on a blind date, but I gave all of his info to my mom, who was watching Julianne so I figured if I got killed and murdered at least she'd know where to find me, lol) and he showed me around. This guy is amazing - he's the smartest person I've ever met in my life. He has a big white board in his apartment where he just works on physics equations. He had a bunch of Rubik's cubes around too - he can complete one in less than a minute! He told me that over the phone and I thought he was kidding me, but I made him do it two or three times and it was more impressive each time. He was in the Navy so he had lots of memorabilia from that too. He also has tons of movies - he's really into film and literature and knows the history behind every movie he's ever seen. I find massive intelligence a MASSIVE turn-on, lol.

Anyway, after he showed me around and impressed me with his huge brain, we went to dinner at Downtown Disney and had Mexican - yum! Then we went mini-golfing. The place had two courses and we played both - so I won one course and he won the other, although he claims he won the whole thing because I beat him by 3 strokes on the first course and he beat me by 4 strokes on the second, so he thinks he won the whole thing. Typical man!

After golf we went back to his apartment and we watched Yes Man with Jim Carrey. I'd never seen it but it was hysterical! We snuggled a bit on the couch and let me just tell you... his kissing skills rival his intelligence skills!


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